作者: ryan

99 篇文章

最近败了一个Netgear6900,原装Netgear固件运行很稳定,但可玩性不高,可惜了这个双核1G的CPU和256M内存,忍耐不住刷了梅林固件。基于华硕和网件基本采用同一个解决方案开发,使用网件的硬件稍作修改用华硕的固件也可以刷,基于第三方定制开发的华硕固件,叫做梅林(Merlin)。 原始的梅林固件来自于:A custom firmware …
中国电信安装宽带允许自己自购光猫,现将光猫安装设置方法描述如下,全部以中兴光猫为例,在中兴F412和F420上实验通过。 将光纤口插入光猫的光纤口在光猫的任意一网口上连接笔记本或者电脑,找到光猫的默认终端配置地址,一般在光猫的外壳上有标识,例如:设置电脑或笔记本的ip在光猫默认配置地址一致的子网内,比如上述192.168.1.…
Python simulate browser behavior without X
We can use python urllib, or python request library to help us download html page, and manually parse it to get what we expected. But sometimes it is difficult to handle front…
Install sanic on CentOS7
Why choosing sanic All tests were run on an AWS medium instance running ubuntu, using 1 process. Each script delivered a small JSON response and was tested with wrk using 100 …
Tornado Asynchronous Programming Gists
Asynchronous programming with Tornado Tornado is single threaded (in its common usage, although in supports multiple threads in advanced configurations), therefore any "b…
Tornado Celery integration
Scenario While implementing wxgigo project, I need create an agent which will receive the POST requests from Wechat server, then relay to AMQP broker. In the appserver side, c…
CORS in Golang
Background While I design wxgigo installer, I would like to get install configuration web via http, and then go through https to save install configuration into server, becaus…
python3.x asyncio study
How to convert sync codes to be async one Method1: create a future object define a callback function which will continue check future result is ready or not, future.set_result…